What'll I wear to the clubs?
Should I wear my AX grey longsleeved fitted tee-shirt?
should I wear my Philosophy "I love italia" singlet?
should I wear that oh-so- slimming black button down shirt with the bling bling detail?
should I wear the bright red tee with the words "You call me a cocksucker like it's a bad thing" on it?
My answer to that is... go F.O.S. I don't mean to Fuck Off Slut.
I meant to Factory Outlet Store.
It's a haven for really kitcsh-y, cool, funky funny t-shirts and sleeveless and singlets. Last seasons Abercrombie and Fitch, Banana Republic, Kenneth Cole, DKNY, Polo Ralph Laurent, CK it's all there but for me it's ...
zoom in: on the tee shirts.
My first FOS was a brown tee with the words "Friend With Privileges"
My latest ones are
1) "I love SX" white sleeveless
2) A red tee that says "Save Water, Shower Togehter"
3) A Mighty Mouse picture on a bright orange tee.
and a good one for my best friend Colin
"I'm hungry and you're a potato"
Some people anguish over what top, bottom accessories should I wear this weekend to make me look good, to make me just that special enough for people to notice me and more importantly that cute boy to come over and say hi.
I just go to FOS and get my fix.
A tee that says "Things to see, People to do"
a red and black truckers cap
a pair of leaf green surfer shorts
an orange clubkid visor
it's all this club kid needs I reckon.It's a veritable goldmine of clothes with enough wit to impress even me.
Oops! I feel the Felix the Cat logo tee calling my name.
When in doubt, go FOS
When in need go FOS
When almost broke and need a cute tee, Go FOS.
~wazza is out~