* Passion * Skill * Heart * ...from the Cake Specialist

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is this me or isn't it?

Ah to be a child again. Ah to be a child with an uncle with a witty sense of humour. Lol. This is a lik tshirt i picked out for my little 2year old nephew Aidan. Hope his mommy likes it as much as i do!

Friday, March 06, 2009

This is me, now.

Whatever you max say, whatever you wanna think, Whatever you desire, wherever things might be at, I'm here. This is me now.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I heart KL

You heart KL. We heart you Jason! He was awesome! We uplifted, elevated and rotated! We sang, we danced, we stole pictures with our mobile phones. While we were sweating so much from the non-existant air conditioning, Jason assured us 'don't let your mind keep you from having a good time.' we did Mr A-Z! We certainly did. I sang til I'm hoarse. Jason we love you! Come back to us soon!

Ja ja ja Jason Mraz yeZZah!

On the way to see Jason Mraz's concert. Ye ye yeah! The cosmic fish they like to kiss, giving birth to constellations. She's so big hearted but not so remarkable. Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Scootch on over closer dear, i'll whisper in your ear. It's alright, lets all take it easy and celebrate the malleable reality, We Loves you Jason! Wendy, MJ and me! WaZZa is out.