You know you love someone when..
you look at them sleeping peacefully...and your heart melts.
you look forward to their kiss first thing in the morning and the first thing when they come home from work
you do things with them in mind so that they will smile when they notice it
you say yes to most everything they want to do, mainly because it's gonna be with you
you want to be near them just so you can catch their scent and it's so fammiliar drives you crazy
you think of what to get for them for christmas, brithdays etc etc but don't let on that you know what they want
you think of them a lot
you say you miss them through sms and really mean it
you care enough to let them grow into whatever it is they're destined to be
you can picture doing absolutely nothing with them and it's totally alright
~sighs~ Love you Bebe. Always have, always will.