* Passion * Skill * Heart * ...from the Cake Specialist

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Last call at the bar.

There's an old lady mopping up the floor
spills from the whole night gone in a flash
Chairs are upturned onto tables
Ashtrays cleaned and stacked up neatly on the service station
The show's over
All the glitter swept away with the dust
All the excitement flushed down with used tissue paper

It was a ride,
it was drama
it was lust, temptation, utterly selfgiving and severely heart rending

It was good, it was fortifying and fun loving
reckless, responsible, rollercoaster ride.

It's done,
the last drop of drink has been drunk and what's more
the last sips of melted ice slurped dry from the rock glass

Where to now?
A new show? A new bar?
Out on the sidewalk in the cold, in the heat, in the rain?

You choose.
No, I'll choose
I choose liberty, I choose not to choose now.

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