in the 2 weeks that streamyx decided to bail on us and the people at TMNET decided to "report that you are quite angry" that my internet services were cut abruptly and not connected after a day but after two berloody long weeks I have had non-internet time.
It was horrible
It was enlightening
It gave me much more time.
So WTF was I up to?
People did their thang, some hung out at the kitchen where the cockpit for our space brownies were. Some hung out at the balcony amidst the soft tinkling of our wind chime which is meant to bring us luck. Some chose to stay in my sisters room outplaying each other on Computer Boggle and Computer Readers Digest Word Power. Like I said your own thang. We skidaddled out before midnight and made our way to the clubs. Had an "oh-what-a-rush" night with the shiny happy people that we are. Ah bliss...
Then there was the cake orders to be done. Big time baby! McDonald's 25th Anniversary Cake! Cause after all these years, we're still lovin it! Thanks to Joseph's connections we got this gig and hopefully will stamp our mark and get more orders. Hmm gotta get name cards printed out and fast! Then there are the Mothers Day cakes to do and then there is a wedding cake for my ex-colleague to be sent to Terengganu. so many lah not that much but it needs to be coordinated well so as not to clash with my high flying career as a pastry cook... yeah right! ~grin~
OHHHHHHHHHH! and yes... I've joined the ranks of the straight-gay imbalanced peoples by joining the gym. Cali Fitness the Mecca of Gayboys in the heart of KL. Platinum member somemore. ~grin~ and a personal trainer whom is I think in my mind being kind to a 30y/o faggot hahahaha! i'll show him I'm tough as nails. at least after he gets through with me! hahaha!
I'm not joining the gym to show off my body and be vain for others sake, I'm doing it for health!!! and my own vanity's sake. And if I get to build more stamina from it then hallelujah!!
I have this theory that if I've got a gorgeous or even semi gorgeous body that I will be a slut. Loose cannon, boycunt... just like Nelly and Timbaland were singing about but then hell I was 29 and you KNOW what that means...and I've got the sleek black "SLUT" dogtag to prove it. Courtesy of Derek and Colin :-) I am not a slut, I don't think I have more sex with arbitrarily chosen strangers more than the next person. I have values and principles. **say it with me Derek : And if You don't like them I have others!**
WTF have I been doing? Party party party.. that's me... danceDANCEdance.
Seems like a preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty small universe i'm living in but I'm contented at the moment. Hey let the ex-fat but still chubby gayboy who didn't have a wild young life a chance. I'm catching up. But even better, I know when to pull back and be the adult that I was ever since I turned 9.
POTD Picture of The Day:
and dat's how we shudlive our livesinnit? happy and content?
good 4u!
wicked.. so got internet oredi kan?
Internet is UP!
Money is DOWN
Health is up and down
Love is in the air.
Happiness level : 3 out of 5 Golden Stars.
i hate green apples, makes me green with envy! lol
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