* Passion * Skill * Heart * ...from the Cake Specialist

Saturday, May 10, 2008

American Idol.... love it or hate it..

So popularity or talent? which is more important? Will David Archuleta win it? or will David Cook beat them all or will Syesha make a sudden fantastic comeback and channel her inner diva and whoop ass at the Top 3 performance?...

who cares?... the producers probably rigged it already.. they all know who's gonna win it already... bla bla bla.. over 51 million votes said Ryan Seacrest but how do we really know about the voting?... hmph.. who cares.. hahahaha.. I am just a junkie who loves it when they sing well and love it even more when they fuck up!

Whatever it is, I'll be tuning in to watch... cause I'm such an AI Junkie... plus.. David Archuleta's SO so cute adorable...mmmmmsquish him *LOL*

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