* Passion * Skill * Heart * ...from the Cake Specialist

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hilarious in Lego.

Eddie Izzard. MJ introduced me to his stuff. He's hilarious. But his jokes done in Lego now that's just downright brilliant! Laugh along too.

You..Cake or Death??? Uhm I'll take cake please.. Well Give Him Cake!

...and this one's wet and this one's wet, and this one's wet.. did you dry these in a rainforest?

ok, you'll get the drift when you watch it.. go on, watch it!

Cake or Death

Death Star Canteen

1 comment:

Scouser Mum said...

You shud watch the actual stand-up show.. Eddie Izzard's also in Prince Caspian.. did u recognise which one??

Can i add a clip here ka? oso from u-tube.

how're u by the way???